Hey, I’m Tori!

As a designer, I work hard to provide clean, modern solutions while promoting empathy, passion, and dedication in everything I do—both personally and professionally. 

My journey in design has been a blend of exploration, learning, and a dedication to creating meaningful experiences by designing with the user in mind. From sleek branding to captivating illustrations, I love transforming ideas into impactful designs that make life a little simpler.







Trust • Honesty • Loyalty • Humility • Kindness •


About Me

When I'm not creating, you can find me learning a new skill, spending time in nature (most likely with a camera in hand), trying a new restaurant or coffee shop, and deep in conversation with people I love.

I’m originally from Northwest Arkansas, but I’m now living life in Southern California with my amazing husband.

I’m an Enneagram 6 with a 5 wing, which basically means I’ll be your friend for life, and I’ll quickly become an expert on random topics. I’m THAT person that brings up facts at the dinner table that you didn’t care to know.

“I send your articles to my team as examples of world-class reports. Whomever your designer is, please keep that person around!”

— Client of Former Employer (Field Agent)

Sound like your gal?

Whether you need some help brainstorming, you’re ready to jump into a project, or you just want to connect—I’d love to hear from you!