
2023, 2019

I’ve visited Colorado many times throughout my life, and my favorite season to visit will always be fall. The aspens are gorgeous and add such a beautiful contrast to the dark pines scattered amongst the mountains. It’s truly one of the most spectacular sights in the United States.

On this particular trip, I visited with a couple of my photographer friends. We didn’t really have specific destinations in mind, and we ended up just driving random mountain roads and stopping whenever we were inspired to take photos.

My husband and I made a special trip to hike Rocky Mountain National Park, but inconveniently planned our trip at a time when winds were gusting up to 60 mph. We almost didn’t make it past the parking lot to the trailhead because of how strong the wind was!

We decided to brave it though, and it was so worth it. The trees blocked the majority of the wind, and the snow blowing through the air was magical.



