Make real cash while shopping in stores and online.


Field Agent


App Design & Development
App Store / Google Play Store Images
Web Design
Social Media Graphics


Tori Kim — Illustrator, Web, and UI Designer
Julia Jones — Project Lead
Seth White — iOS App Developer
William Smith — Android App Developer

The Brief

The Field Agent App lets people earn money quickly and easily. App users, called Agents, take photos, give their opinions, and do other tasks that help companies improve their products and give customers the best experiences.

Before this release, the Field Agent App hadn’t received a major design update in 5+ years.

The main purpose of the Field Agent app is for Agents to quickly find and reserve jobs. We cleaned up and streamlined this process by adding the ability to left or right swipe on a job (left being “quick reserve” and right being “hide job”).

We also added the navigation bar along the bottom so users could easily jump between the job search, active tasks, and other sections.

Navigating the App

Account Creation

Another huge piece of the Field Agent app is making users excited to get started after they download the app for the first time. I illustrated these fun account creation screens to welcome new users when they sign up.


Before this new release, there was no way to make your Agent profile personalized. We solved this by illustrating a collection of Agent avatars that a user could choose between and select as their own profile image.

Continued Development

This version of the Field Agent app was released in 2021, and improvements have continued to be made since then.




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