The one and only rapid-response news hub for those in retail environments.


Chris Medenwald, PhD


Brand Strategy & Identity
Web Design


Tori Kim — Designer
Chris Medenwald, PhD — Copywriter

The Brief

A former coworker of mine saw a need for a global hub for rapid-response retail news. He asked me to come alongside him to help bring this idea to life.

He envisioned WHIRLED being the solution—a go-to source for Millennial, Gen Z, and retail professionals to quickly see What’s Happening In Retail Lately.

We played around with different variations on the name, but ultimately settled on WHIRLED for the acronym and the play on the word “world.”

The Brand

We wanted to convey a fresh and fun brand, but also push an urgency with the brand elements. I created a palette that includes a disruptive red, black, and chartreuse to provide a bold look and suggest a sense of alertness.

The WHIRLED brand is mature enough to display its expertise, but also inviting and playful in order to engage readers and drive information home.

The Blog

The blog is WHIRLED’s lifeblood. Pairing with Field Agent’s resource of hundreds of thousands of mystery shoppers, WHIRLED’s blog is a source of rapid-fire information. By using simple, cohesive design and visual charts and infographics, readers can quickly digest the information and get on with their busy day.

Unfortunately, the brand and blog never went live, but we were able to come up with some ideas of how it would have looked in its live state.

